For my 20% time, I've taken a closer look at the estimated costs of what I believe will need to be repaired and replaced for the piano in the Magnet lobby. Costs of the piano can reach upwards to $2500 in the worst of conditions. However, the piano is still playable, and has a decent sound. My total estimate can be between $1000-$1500. However, this is still speculation, and is up to the an inspector to see what the total cost would be.
I've been looking online about fundraising methods, as well as speaking to others about what I should do in order to raise funds. I've also been thinking and writing up the proposal that I plan to submit to Mr. Esposito. I need to think of a good incentive that can be used to justify the repair. I've seen students play on the piano sometimes, but I feel like they're are turned off because of the lack of a sustain pedal, as well as the poor condition. I feel that the piano can be not only used for entertainment, but also as a therapeutic measure for students that are emotionally stressed. That's all I have for now. Alex out.
What an amazing project! This could really be beneficial to many students - how did you come up with the idea to choose this? There are definitely a lot of fundraising ideas. I am interested to see what you end up choosing. I also like how you took the time to think about the many ways a piano can be beneficial! Keep me updated on your progress.