Friday, October 10, 2014

Reflection 2

During 20% Time this week, I discovered some new YouTubers I'll be using to teach myself to draw realistically. I'll be using Mark Crilley to practice human portraits and specific features, Alphonso Dunn for animals and landscapes/scenery, and Marcello Barenghi for inanimate objects. I also got an email from the art club on our campus and I'm in luck because for the next month they'll be focusing on realistic drawing, so I'll be attending every Thursday during co-curricular. Drawing-wise, I've been practicing face features (eyes, lips, teeth, etc.) and failing epically. Despite that, I've decided to begin drawing everyday (or every other) so that when I present, the class can see my progress.

I'll soon be meeting with my brother and purchasing markers (and maybe new colored pencils?).


  1. I love how you specifically stated what your project is about. Even better were the details you gave regarding the people you are going to watch and what they will help you on. I am so excited to see what you work on! It will be interesting to see an original picture and then one at the end of your project =)

    1. Thanks!! I'll post some pictures soon. c:
