Sunday, October 12, 2014

Reflection 2

Disappointingly, I thought I could escape the several illnesses lingering in our area but alas, no dice. Please excuse my tardiness as I was not feeling well since Friday. However, I am pleased to report that my PCDuino I ordered came in and is fully functional. I hooked it up to an old TV monitor I have as a display. I'm surprised it actual works pretty well with the WiFi. Other parts that have arrived are the Cervos (motors) and the shields for the motor and LED control. Four books my father has ordered regarding programming are still on their way; meanwhile, I signed up to Codeacademy, which is teaching me the basics of the programming language. I've never really been interested in programming, but at least I'll have this skill under my belt for future use since I am attending a Vocational-Technical school. Maybe it is just me, but learning the language is a bit difficult and slow-paced. I switched my schedule around and am hoping to get the electronics out of the way first. Building the wolf is only going to be a lot of manual labor, something I am comfortable with.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great project, Sophia.. What are all those parts you ordered? Are you building a robot and coding a program to make it function? I did Engineering Physics in high school and built a bunch of robots to do things like recycling, etc. Coding can be a little slow.. but you will be able to do a lot with it and it definitely works a different part of the brain!
