Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 3: Reflection

This week I finally created my blog! Obviously I've been working on coming up with and writing down a bunch of new recipes that I thought were pretty cool. Unfortunately I also have some recipes I hated and decided to write those down too just incase someone out there is also thinking about trying these awful things. My goal is to add these recipes to my new blog and also add cool tricks and tips I've learned along the way. Lately I started noticing how much more organized my food journal has become and how much easier eating clean is getting. However, again, weekends are soooo hard for me to keep up because I work and go out with my friends. I'm making it a priority to find solutions to this problem.

1 comment:

  1. You should post a link to your blog! I would love to see it =) I agree that it is helpful to see the good and bad recipes.. I wonder which ones you didn't like. Keep up the good work! The weekends are definitely the hardest - especially since you aren't on a good routine.
