Tuesday, October 21, 2014

reflection 3

This week I finally started using pictures as a guide instead of just from memory.  The drawings are starting to get much better and more accurate to what it's suppose to be.  However, despite the increased accuracy of the drawing, I think videos would be a better approach. So, this coming week I intend to start using videos as a my guide to drawing.  As far as what I accomplished in week 3, I finished the strange bird drawing from week 1 and added much more top it (it looks even stranger than week 1) and I did another drawing of a penguin this time with a picture. As far as time, it took me a combined hour probably to complete the first bird drawing. The penguin took about thirty minutes. Still, it hasn't coat anything except the paper that I already had. That's about all for week 3.

1 comment:

  1. Great update! Penguins are my favorite character - I'm sure your drawing was really good! I can't wait to hear about what kinds of videos you find.
