Sunday, October 19, 2014

Reflection #3

This week I was pressed for time, but managed to memorize two chords: C major and G major. I also learned how to transition from one chord to the other. The importance of my accomplishments this week is that I established crucial muscle memory of two key chords; learning how to transition between the two is critical because the specific transition is used often in guitar playing. I will constantly use the transition from C major to G major in both practice and songs, so I will need to be very comfortable with the transition. I learned the two chords by playing the chord once, taking my hands off the guitar for 30 seconds, and playing the chord again. Repeating this process multiple times allowed me to fully memorize the chords. I also realized that by practicing the chord transition, then playing the chords individually, allowed me to better memorize what I was doing. I believe I was relatively successful in learning these two chords, but more practice as I learn more chords will absolutely be needed. Next, I will try to learn another pair of similar chords and the transition between the two, as well as practicing my already acquired knowledge. Until next week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - very detailed description about how you are learning the chords. I bet that would be super helpful if you ever decided to do a how-to of learning them. Super exciting!
