Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reflection #4

My newfound interest in sewing has made me the household seamstress. This past week, I've been tasked with repairing some of my dad's work shirts. I'm begining to find sewing more relaxing than stressful, but that, of course, is only for simple tasks. More daunting jobs (like sewing in a zipper or hemming a skirt---which I have yet to do) still have the tendeny to be frustrating. That's partially why I'm putting off finishing the skater skirt I started making a week or two ago. I'm just afraid I'll ruin the work I've already done on it. I researched techniques for hemming a circle skirt and how to sew in a zipper last Thursday's class. It gave me a little more confidence, but I'm still worried about messing up. I know making mistakes is part of the learning process, but I'd rather not. I sincerely plan on finishing (or at least attempting to finish) the skirt this weekend, though.

1 comment:

  1. The nice thing about sewing is that you can always rip out the stitches and try again if something is not right. That's why when I'm hemming I usually cut towards the end.. just in case it's too short/too long.
