Saturday, October 25, 2014

Weekly Journal 4

October 25, 2014
This week on October 23, 2014, I reviewed the words I learned on October 17th. On top of reviewing those set of words, I learned the following: “with,” “solidarity,” “day,” “night,” “every night,” “goodnight,” “week,” “month,” “past month,” “past,” and “year”. I did not focus on taking on a lot of words this week because I find that learning these words and memorizing them is a task that I must take my time with. I also find that most words are a little difficult to memorize because of the similar hand gestures between them. However, I do believe that I have done well this past week. It is important to learn these words due to the fact that they are very common and they would, without a doubt, come up in a conversation with a deaf mute at some point. I can use the above-mentioned words while talking about time, or simply saying “goodnight”. Patterns involved will always be that of the alphabet always being part of communicating a word and memorizing everything I have learned so far. Next, I will continue to learn basic words to expand my ASL dictionary!


  1. Hey! I'm in Ms. Roy's 1/2 A class, and I'm learning sign language for my 20% project like you. I thought it would be cool if before we present we can practice with each other, that way we've had experience with another person rather than just practicing with our computer. If you want to, let me know and we can meet up before midterms. I think it's really cool that we're both learning sign language, especially since it's a great skill to have for the future. Just let me know if you want someone to practice with. It would help me a lot, too. Thanks!

    1. Hello! That's a really good idea. I think it would serve as great practice for us, just comment or email me when and where you would like to meet up to practice (:
