Monday, March 2, 2015

Reflection 1

This week overall has been a great start to my 20% Time Project. I've been trying to live a healthier lifestyle for a while, but I never had the motivation to do anything major. Now, I have created a workout schedule to keep on track. I made sure to add the eight major fitness groups that I had to work on, as given to me by my fitness teachers. While I have not followed this schedule as thoroughly as I want to, I realize it will take some time for me to get accustomed to working this hard. For right now, this is a guideline, a goal, and a reminder for me to step up my game and really try to hit all the major groups 3-5 times a week. I have found some great websites and accounts that offer great exercises for specific types of workouts. For example, SugarySixPack on instagram is run by a fitness trainer who posts sped-up videos of her workouts with a description of what exercises she is doing and how many reps she does for each. I hope that this, combined with the advice from my fitness teacher, will allow me to not only complete the exercises, but to do them properly.
Now, while I might not have upheld this schedule for the entire week, I did complete the other thing I wanted to start doing, which was cook a healthy meal at least twice a week. I took great pride in being able to make breakfast for my family, which was the strawberry-nutella roll-ups as seen in the picture. I also, however, made a baked teryaki chicken for lunch on Saturday. I also started drinking more water and getting a bit more sleep, although it isn't as obvious since I'm posting this so late. So far, I have learned that it really is hard to keep up a healthy life style if you do not have the time to do it. I had an FBLA state competition on thursday, volunteering on friday, and my sister's middle school play the entire weekend. It was very hard trying to not only work for this, but to also complete school work with co-curricular not available to us because of PARCC testing. Overall, however, I feel as if I am on the right track and will continue to live a healthier lifestyle. 

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