Friday, March 13, 2015

Reflection 3

   This week I was actually not able to very much because of various classes and after school activities taking up my time so I wasn't able to put in too much time into actually researching or exercising too much but over the past week of starting to do some exercises, I am seeing progress. Though it may not be very much progress considering I have a very limited routine that I can do at home but progress is progress. I am still attempting to get back to doing my past "normal" routine that I posted on my second reflection but slowly I am starting to increase the amount of sets that I can do to be able to match that past standard that I had. Also, I was able to research about more ways to increase my bench and I was able to find a website on my scarce free time to be able to help me increase my bench. On the website, I was able to learn that I need to develop muscle around my shoulders to support it since the shoulders are very flexible, they need the surrounding muscles to support the joint and since shoulders are very much in risk when benching, I want to be able to incorporate some shoulder exercises which I will be sure to research and try out in the next coming week. Also, the author said that gaining weight is always good to be able to have support on the joints but I am already pretty heavy at 185 so that's already done. That's basically all I did this week so have a great week everyone!

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