I'm happy to announce that I found the pliers I thought I had lost forever! As soon as I found them it's safe to say I did a lot of practicing this week. The wire I bought to practice on is a 20 gauge wire so it's very malleable and some would say "cheap" but it's been so helpful these past few days. After making dozens of small simple rings I stepped up to larger more complex designs. The picture below shows a ring of an EKG line, I thought the idea was adorable and it was super easy to do. I then moved on from rings and finally did my first pendant! The picture on the right is a Fleur de Lis Pendant. I found a video on YouTube which was about 14 minutes long and surprisingly enough it wasn't very difficult and I finished fairly quickly. The pendant can be connected to any necklace or string and I'm hoping to concentrate more on pendants and more complex rings this week. I'm finding it easier to move the wire the way I need it to so the only thing I need to improve on now is the type of wire I'm using. I plan on buying a thicker/stronger wire this week to make legit jewelry that I can hopefully start selling and giving away in a few weeks.
A great use of pliers and creativity!