Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reflection ii, 4

I have not worked on the story this weekend. However, I have researched numerous websites to further improve my writing skills. While researching, I discovered a great website that can help writers--professional or not--hone their skills. The topics that I was looking up in that website include how to write beautifully, characterization, secrets, plot twists, describing the world, and much more. I am reading this up because I wanted to think about these aspects of a story while writing them down.

Also, I ultimately decided on extending this story to be longer than a short story and to be a novella. Each chapter would be an "episode" of sorts relating to our main character, Amber. How the story is going to be a secret. I plan on thinking of these episode ideas, as I want each one to have meaning and further develop our character. If I have at least four episodes, maybe I will continue writing (or start from the beginning again). Wish me luck!

This is the website in question:

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