This week has been very busy, to say the least. Giving that poor excuse, I did not do much for my 20% time project. I only cooked once this week, and I did not work out every day. However, I am getting into the mentality of a healthy lifestyle. I have managed to start limiting myself when it comes to sweets. For example, even though we were celebrating my sister's birthday, I only got a small piece of cake, practically nothing compared to what I would usually take. I also kept reminding myself to drink more water. I need about half a gallon a day, and I am slowly working towards making drinking that amount a routine. I also learned different types of exercises and what parts of the body they specifically work.
During class on friday, I found more good workouts that focus on things I usually do not work. I know that to truly be healthy I cannot focus on only legs or core, so I have started to focus a bit more on cardio and strength training. I went to the gym during co on friday and walked a mile on the treadmill, as well as working my biceps and triceps. I have also seen some improvements that make me very happy. For instance, squatting comes easier to me now. Not only have I improved my technique and do them with proper form, but my balance is improving and I am starting to add weights. Also, when I do the yoga position "downward facing dog" I can put my heels to the ground like I am supposed to. Overall this week was not a total failure, but I can do better. Hopefully this week I will have more time to work on this project.
Your heels should be reaching for the floor in downward facing dog while your hips are reaching for the sky. If your heels are actually on the ground, the distance in between your hands and feet is too close. Let's talk more about this pose.