Chapter 2 had me construct a fairly simple "Choose your own adventure" game using pop-up menus. I learned how to create prompts and responses to the user's actions for such prompts. For example, I could create a pop-up that says "What 7 + 4?"; if the user types "11", then I can program an affirmative response; if the user answers otherwise, then i can program a negative response. The prompts form the basis of user interaction , which is the basic concept of any game. This is how I will program my basic game, at least a "Choose your own adventure" game that I could work on in my spare time.
All in all, I could have worked on my project more; though PARCC blocked my access to the necessary resources and time needed to make progress, I plan to amend my lack of progress this week: with a greater knowledge of my schedule and projects this week, I should be able to complete two "chapters" of CodeAcademy's lessons. I will further explore what JavaScript is capable of in terms of video game creation and, within the next few weeks, choose the format of my game. Wish me luck!
wow, a Choose Your Own Adventure type of programming game seems way more complex than a level 2! I'm glad you're enjoying this plan, despite having a hard time with time resources right now.