Monday, March 23, 2015

Reflection 4

I'm going to be enlisting help for this because it is honestly getting ridiculous. I have absolutely zero ideas for this and I'm getting desperate. I asked my friend Leah, who also edited my lyrics, to help me with this musical process because she has been in various school music programs for as long as I can remember and she has a very similar taste in music as I do. However, we can't seem to come up with a melody that is appropriate for this song (it keeps sounding broadway-esque rather than regular music-esque). And since this is getting ridiculous considering this is like week 3 I can't come up with a tune, I'm going to find someone who hopefully can. I know a couple of experienced guitar players (because that's the main instrument I want in this song) so I'm going to approach them about this. It's going to be super awkward because I either haven't spoken to them in 4 years or I'm not really good enough friends with them but you know what, I'm desperate, and I need to get this done, so I shall brave these awkward encounters to complete my song. So that's my goal for the upcoming week; to find someone who can help me create some music!!!!!!!! If I don't make it back from these awkward encounters, let it be known that at least I tried! Farewell!

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