Saturday, November 8, 2014

Reflection 6

          This week I did absolutely nothing. It looks like a blank space, but there’s actually a picture above. It symbolizes my progress (technically I did pick up the ball once or twice but yea, nothing). Honestly I got a little bored of this project and it’s too late to change now. So I tried thinking about the source of my boredom and I came up with two possible causes. (1) It’s repetitive. I knew it was going to be repetitive but I guess I wasn't ready. The obvious solution to this would be to take a break and seeing as how I basically had this week off, things should be back to normal next week. (2) The tricks are too easy. I think by starting with the basics, I inadvertently made things boring. Next week I’m going big. Hopefully things will pick up.


1 comment:

  1. As we discussed, it's important to identify your stumbling blocks and move forward through them. It's figuring out HOW to get through these blocks that is the difficult part.
