Saturday, November 15, 2014

reflection 6

So I haven't been able to do much work on my theme over the past two weeks because I've been caught up in a lot of things and also I forgot my laptop on Friday so I couldn't work on it during 20% time in class. However, that's okay because I've decided that I'm officially going to use a base code from now on. I've realized that it was kind of illogical for me to try and code a complete theme without knowing a theme code forwards and backwards. I think the best thing for me is to more used to base codes to get a better footing in the format of coding until I feel that I am truly ready to create my own code. What I'm gonna do now is search for base codes and study their format and also tweak them a bit to see the effects in order to learn the ins and outs of coding. When I found a base code that I like, I will thoroughly edit to show what I want to achieve when I start to code. Then I will work towards learning how achieve these goals on my own.

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