Saturday, November 8, 2014

Reflection 6

        This week was productive for me, but less productive than others. I reviewed all of the words I have learned and even practiced with my friend! We met up on friday and he helped me review a bit. However, I feel as if I am not doing as much as I am supposed to. I want to learn as much as possible in the short amount of time I have, but it is becoming increasingly difficult as a lot of other things have come up in my life that I must attend to. My goal for next week is simply going to be review of everything I have learned and hopefully learning a few more signs. My main focus will be to imprint the words in my mind so I don't ever forget them. I want to learn as many signs as possible, that way I can present my midterm knowing I have mastered as much as possible and have a lot to show for it.

1 comment:

  1. Wanting to know "as much as possible" is a lofty goal. It's also not specific enough to be achievable. Make sure your goals are audacious but achievable (and specific!!)
