Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reflection #9

I think I should try and change the focus of the project towards WHEN I will get the idea approved...

All jokes aside, the main concern is simply when or if the project will be presented. I need to ask Mrs. Linnett if there is any time that we can schedule this meeting with Mr. Esposito. Of course, the moment will be very nerve-wracking, and I will probably feel apprehensive trying to present the idea to him. It goes back to my earlier questions: what if he doesn't approve it? What if I can't earn the funds needed to get the piano repaired? What if I am simply wasting my time trying to fix a dinky baby grand piano that's been left to rot in the Magnet lobby? No, I can't let that overcome me. It's that mentality that will ultimately kill the project; the unwillingness to proceed because of worries that should be laid to rest until they truly become an issue. This entire project is essentially a learning curve for me. I've never done fund-raising, and it's a bit of a scary thought to do so. However, new opportunities can lead to amazing things. I hope what I am doing can help others, as well as myself.

In the meantime, Alex out.

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