Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reflection 8 (late)

This weekend was Thanksgiving, and all the thanksgiving fod my mom made was Paleo (except the stuffing). Luckily for us, most thanksgiving foods are practically Paleo anyway. The cranberries were organic and made with raw honey, carrots, ginger, and other spices. There was also a sweet potato casserole. It was made uniquely with coconut milk instead of heavy cream (dairy is not paleo) and had toasted coconut and candids pecans as garnish. There was also a squash and zucchini dish (although more carby than other veggies like broccoli, still paleo). You might be thinking, "okay, so those foods are paleo, but apple, pecan, or pumpkin pies are definitely not paleo." Well, you're right. But there is a way to make them that is. Although my grandmother always makes the (best nonpaleo) pumpkin pie, all of these pies can be made paleo. The hardest part of making it paleo is making the crust with almond flour (this step can be skipped by using Julian's Baked paleo pie crusts). The rest is easy: substitute in almond flour for white flour (used to hold any pie filling together), raw organic honey for sugar or other sweetener, coconut or almond milk for regular milk, and use all organic ingredients. Since it's just as simple as baking nonpaleo foods, maybe your next Thanksgiving will be a Paleo one, and you can all thank me for guiding you. Happy Cooking!

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