Friday, December 26, 2014

Reflection 10

This week was pretty darn easy in terms of school work. Not too much on my plate so I was able to actually sit and have time to think about a topic that would more interest me and would be more applicable to my baking skills. So, this week I decided to research on how to make a nice and soft cookie because in my humble opinion, those are the ones that people crave for with the melted chocolate and how the cookie breaks away without having to make a snapping noise that can be heard halfway to Kansas. But that's just my humble opinion. Anyway, I researched about the science or at least some Q&A's about soft cookies and came across a nice website to give me a couple of smart ideas. Firstly, addressing a large problem of mine, I was able to find a solution to a large problem of mine, which is that the cookies would be slightly burnt at the bottom and not so golden on the top. Apparently, because I have a conventional oven, the heat comes from the bottom and doesn't circulate well enough to cook the entirety of the cookie evenly. The simple solution provided for this by the website was to bake the cookies in a higher rack in the oven. Easy enough solution for a big problem. The other fact that I found particularly interesting is that you should slightly under cook the cookies to make them moist. Though that may sound bad, the website explained in a logical way on how it works. To keep the moisture, you should under cook it and then take the cookies out. Even after under cooking slightly, the hot pan will continue to cook the cookies while on the pan which will do sufficiently to cook the rest of the cookie perfectly. Neat stuff.

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