Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reflection 11

        This week I started learning and reviewing again, which seems to be the pattern every week I spend working on this project. While I have made significant progress, I've come to ask myself the question, "How can this project benefit not only me, but others around me?" This question stemmed from a Ken Robinson TED Talk, which I have decided to use as a template for my own presentation. As I recall from the beginning of the year, our presentation should be in the style of a TED Talk. However, the videos I have watched have all had a purpose behind them, unlike what I wanted to do with mine. They have all led to some greater revelation about a change that will benefit millions, or raise awareness about issues that affect a vast amount of people. My presentation in comparison to theirs seems rather selfish. Therefore, I have decided to stop learning new words in sign language, for now. I will instead focus on how I can adapt my limited knowledge and morph it into a brilliant presentation that will not only benefit me, but everyone that I present to. I want to focus now on communication between people, using sign language as my example. I want to link communicating with words and communicating with actions and show how it affects us in daily life. I need to discover a new meaning behind this project, not simply so that I can talk to other people. I could do that with any language, but I want now to be able to prove why sign language is beneficial not to just those of them who need it, but everyone who chooses to learn it. I know my presentation seems a bit off topic from what I decided to do in the beginning of the year, but I know that the way I will present will tie everything I have learned and more into a better version of what I had originally planned. The rest of the time I spend working on 20% Time will be forming my presentation and perfecting the idea of what I am trying to communicate to the class.

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