Sunday, May 3, 2015

Reflection X: The One With a HIIT and a Miss (See what I did there? Haha, I'm not funny)

Yooooooooooooooooooooo- sorry, I was excited. I may have gotten Taco Bell again today. In other news, I did convince my mother to buy me a set of five pound weights, which is unfortunate because I should be using at least ten pounds. Anyway, my fitness class has started Project Adventure so I can no longer lift during class. I think I'm going to start putting my YMCA membership to use and take advantage of their gym (and possibly a personal trainer?).
I have noticed a teeny change in the way my abdomen looks ... I'm starting to really like the way I look in my clothes, and I've started running in just shorts and a sports bra. Yay, self esteem!

As promised, here's the HIIT that I practically live by. Notice there are no burpees? Yes, that's because I don't believe in torture. :)
20 lunges (10 each side)
50 crunches
10 hip bridges
20 high knees (both sides=1)
25 squats
1 min. plank
30 calf raises
30 sec. water break
30 mountain climbers (both sides=1)
15 scissors (both sides=1)
20 butt kicks (both sides=1)
25 plié squats
15 push-ups
1 min. wall sit
300 jumping jacks
*Keep in mind that I work my body to certain extremes, and if you're looking to try a HIIT you should adjust this or find a different one because if not, I guarantee you will not be able to finish it without cheating. Don't cheat yourself; adjust it.
**Also, make sure you aren't doing the same HIIT everyday. You need to change it up. Don't let your body get used to any schedule- you won't be working your muscles and therefore won't be benefiting.

I have noticed that my reflections get a decent amount of page views and no one is leaving me comments ?? C'mon, guys! I'd really love some feedback, or a question, or advice, or really anything.

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