Sunday, May 24, 2015

Reflection 13

This week I continued to work on my power point presentation. By reviewing all I have done this semester I can say that I am very proud of my work. While I'm ending a bit shaky, I can still say that if I find the time to workout in the future, I will. That is not something I would have been able to say before. I can also say that I am more educated in the things I eat and pay more attention to my health. I am able to make more conscious decisions on the things that affect my health most of all. I do plan on continuing this lifestyle, and I will continue to work to get myself to where I want to be, internally and externally. This week I can list a bunch of achievements, including to choose healthier snacks over fattening ones, participating in extra motivational activities, and improving my eating schedule. For next week, I hope to finish my power point and rehearse it, as well as continue with my overall goals.

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