Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reflection 13&14

“I couldn't possibly be as unproductive next week as I was this week.” I drew in three panels this week (one less than last week’s four). I wanted to get out of the rut for this week – that was the plan. I clearly didn’t accomplish that. I think I’m pretty much burned out for the drawing portion of this project. It’s safe to say that the drawing phase is over. I just can’t anymore. It feels too forced. I did like the story I created and how what I actually put on paper came out though. Even if it’s still pretty much in the beginning.

This week I drew in no panels - I'm preparing for the presentation. I was able to draw a total of 113 panels in the span of 4 months. That’s actually pretty good compared to my past rate. When I used to draw comic books they weren’t released consistently. I would draw all 44 panels in one day (that’s how much was in one comic) but then wouldn’t start in the next for about maybe two months. I didn’t really get that recuperation period with this project. So I drew 25 more panels than I would have if I followed my old ways. These were also high quality (I like to think) as compared to my old ones so there’s another plus. I’m a tiny bit disappointed I didn’t get farther in the story but I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. I just thought this time might be different.

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