So week 12 for 20% time I really did not do any advancing, I sort of just played around with a program I already had created using Khan Academy. Besides that I really did not do anything interesting or of importance. At this point I had already decided that I do not want to use Khan anymore and that I am going to switch to using the text editor on my laptop and watching videos. This actually allows me to do whatever I want and gives me a lot more freedom to advance much faster. So that is really all I did in week 12.
Now, for week 13 I have achieved much more. I actually started watching videos on YouTube and began writing code using the text editor, notepad, on my laptop. So far all I did was use some HTML to actually make the website that pops up when you click on the file, and inside the HTML I used JavaScript to make an alert box that has absolutely no use other than to show how JavaScript is actually written inside HTML. Just from one of these videos I already know more than what I learned in several weeks from Khan Academy. So I would say that things are coming along quite well. The only HTML that I know is the basics to actually set up the website so I can learn JavaScript. So for now I will continue to look into JavaScript primarily and a little bit of HTML. In addition, this Friday when I write my Reflection XIV I will see if blogger allows me to add a file so I can show something I have done. That is all for this 20% time reflection.
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