Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reflection 8

This week I got a lot accomplished. I created a weekly schedule that includes cardio, flexibility, strength training and diet. I'm not trying to to follow this schedule religiously but rather use it as a guide. I also went through the list of classes at NBD and highlighted all the ones I'm interested in and which ones I can attend. This morning I went to Pilates class, and I think it went really well. I feel like I worked muscles that I usually don't. 
Another thing I've been interested in, is fit tea. Fit tea is a natural supplement which is supposed to increase your metabolism. There are tons to pick from and I'm considering trying it. After doing adequate research, I found there are really no negative side affects and most reviews are positive. A boost in energy could be really useful when I'm feeling particularly lazy (which is most of the time). 
The final thing I've accomplished this week has been running. For the past week, I've been going on long runs around my town, sometimes into Summit. The beautiful weather makes this possible. They are usually 30 minutes to an hour long and last 3 to 4 miles. I'm hoping to increase my time and distance. I've been using a really cool app called pumatrac which gives you statistics of your run and makes it a route. It's really been helping and looking at progress is inspiring. 
Everything has been going well and it should hopefully continue! 

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