Monday, January 12, 2015

Reflection 15

I am so, so sorry (please forgive the redundancy) for the latency of this reflection; I have had a high fever for the last few days and, as such, have not been in the best of health and have not been thinking straight, so to speak.
In any case, the Twenty Percent deadline is quickly approaching, and to say that I feel woefully under-prepared is a gross understatement. I feel as though I have not written enough and as if I have very little to discuss during the presentation. That said, I'm sure I can put something presentable (pun intended) together.
This week, I have written more of the story, but could not complete as much as I had wished due to the aforementioned viral infection (thanks, viruses). I have very little to say, sadly. There has been no changes in the last week, and all my feelings have been summed up in the last reflection (sorry about that, by the way; I wasn't exactly "in a good way" at the time).
This coming week, I plan to work on the presentation and pray to the Old One and every Lovecraftian entity I can think of to aid me through the end of this project.

Cthulhu Fthagn, Ia! Dagon!, and Umbasa, this is Josh signing of... ONE. LAST. TIME.*

*Until next marking period.

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