As the dead-line for the first 20% nears, I am in a rush to STILL get the project accepted by my Principle Mr. Esposito. He's been in quite a few meetings recently, and Mrs. Linnett is doing her best to schedule a meeting with him. It's somewhat frustrating that this has been the giant brick wall that is impeding the progress of this project. Fortunately, even if this does not get accepted in time for the dead-line, I will still pursue the project in hopes of getting it green-lighted. Magnet, outside of it's vocational engineering courses, carries a group of talented individuals. Some of these people are musicians like myself, practicing for several years or just starting to grow interest in music. A piano like the one in the MHS lobby should not be abandoned. It is a a powerful, not to mention expensive piece of musical ingenuity. I wish for this piano to get fixed up and maintained, even after I leave Magnet. There are people who will play it, spread music and harmony through the halls. That is what a piano is meant to do, not to sit and rot in a lobby.
This will be my second to last reflection for the 20% project. If anyone has been following this, I am thankful for your interest and I hope my peers will do well in their 20% works.
In the meantime, Alex out.
Nice job, Alex! Let's face it: there were going to be a few bumps in this project. But those bumps were all out of your control (think of them as turbulence) and you adapted and worked around them as best you could! Umbasa!