Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Reflection 14 (I think?)

 This week went really bad.... I didn't put any work into my 20% project. I did not do any workouts or even eat correctly. I ate so much. I feel like I messed up everything to be honest. I was looking at myself in the mirror and was not happy with my body at all. I try so hard and I'm still not happy with myself. I realized that my main weakness was balancing my diet with my family's. This week I went to practically all of my relatives' houses from my dad's side. I ate soooo much beef, chicken, rice and drank so much soda. But then :)))))) I got a text from my neighbor asking if id be up for running with her after school. She was just so excited and motivated and it reminded me of myself at the beginning of this project. I asked for my parent's permission (bc I don't really live in the most friendliest neighborhood) and now starting I think tomorrow we're going to go running and then workout in my basement. I'm so excited. I'm kind of bummed out how I'm basically starting from scratch again. But at least I'm not alone and I'm doing it with a friend. I spend a lot of my time just thinking and arguing with myself and so I realized that I have every reason to be happy because to be honest I have been putting in so much effort into this project and I should be proud of myself and my body. I mean one thing I'm happy about is that I'm sure I can lose the weight I gained just by fixing my eating habits.   BTW sorry for the late submission! And I'm having a problem with tagging the post on the mobile version?? Is it okay if I don't tag it??

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