With a brand new semester brings a brand new 20% project. My original plan for this 20% project was to create an another movie, this time really influenced by complex plot and special effects. My other idea that I was passionate about was to draw, and really improve my art skills. I currently think I am a an adept drawer but I still have so much room to improve upon. But it was still in the back of my head that I was not doing something original enough. I had already created 1 film, or at least started it. Would it really be a good idea to create an another one? And with drawing, so many other people had done it, and I felt like I was ripping off on their original ideas. So than I thought of something that would combine both ideas and it would still be something I enjoyed: ANIMATION
I have loved animation since I was a little kid and especially classic cartoons. These included Scooby doo, the Flintstones, the Jetsons and my all time favorite Ed Edd n Eddy. Cartoons still interest me and i still enjoy watching reruns of my favirote TV shows whenever they are shown. And this project will also incorporate my love of film making as well. I'll get to draw/animate and put it all together into a cohesive story. I also think I will be able to improve my art capabilities while also experiencing new filmmaking techniques.
I have already begun researching animation as well and I have found how to start off. First I need to create my story just like I did with my Hall Monitor movie. This will be one of the hardest parts because it needs to be perfect before I can move on at all. After creating my story, I need to create basic story boards. These resemble comic book pages. They are to outline the most important points and motions within the film. After that I must create character models to have a display of which my character details will be based off. Additionally basic landscape sketches will need to be created to outline the setting. Lastly I will have to create motion capture pages to outline the basic character movements so I won't be lost when creating the animation. And this all occurs BEFORE the actual animations begin.
I have also found different kinds of animation I can use:
I can do the traditional cartoon pieced together on Photoshop
I can create a flip book
I can create computer generated animations in both 2d and 3d styles
I can create a Machinima which uses already created character models from video games and make a film.
I am very interested in both the traditional and machinima and I think I will try out machinima first to see how it does and go from there.
This project will by no means be easy. In normal animation on tv, shows have a dozen animators just for a 20 minute show. And that's not even counting experience. The dificult parts will be starting animations and getting a base as well as ofcourse, the movies plot. Easy parts hopefully will be the drawing, for I think I am somewhat good at it, and piecing it together for I have good software on my laptop. This project will take place both inside and outside of class. During class i will be researching and drawing and at home i will be putting it all together on my computer. Hopefully this works out, wish me luck!
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