Friday, February 27, 2015

Reflection 1

For the first 20% percent time of the second semester, I started out by researching the first style that I plan on learning: cornrows. My first instinct was to turn to YouTube for video tutorials on how to do them. The videos were pretty helpful, however, I didn't get through too much of them because a lot of them were pretty long. They showed the basics on how to cornrows and shared tips on how to make sure they last long, aren't lumpy, etc. I think after watching those videos, I got the basic gist of how to braid cornrows but I still haven't decided how I am going to practice doing them. For now, I'm just going to try practicing on my own hair unless that gets too inconvenient, then maybe I'll switch over to a mannequin head. As for what I learned today, I learned that it's good to get a strong foundation in the basic skills before moving on to the more complicated stuff.

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