Friday, February 27, 2015

Reflection I


This week (and a couple of weeks before it I guess) I made a significant amount of progress with my comic book. As you can see above, I drew out a template page for the boxes that I’ll be using throughout the whole project. I had to be efficient with space so measurements were necessary and precise. Besides, this is the template from which all my other pages will be built on – it had to be good. Besides that, I have about five “screens of notes” on my phone that outline the entire plot. There’s still room for more but I put down a lot. I was actually having trouble figuring out how to begin the story. I knew how I wanted it to begin, but I didn't know how to begin it (if that makes sense). However, I figured that out in 20% time so I believe I can actually start drawing very soon. I also drew the cover page but I’ll save that for next week. The title is “Out For Milk” – I’m feeling pretty proud of this one.

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