Monday, February 16, 2015

Twenty Percent Proposal - 2.0

Though things didn't go well for my last 20% time project, I will not let it dampen my hopes and goals for this 20% time project for second semester.

For this 20% project I will be learning to use Photoshop for a variety of different things like my friend Alexis did for his project last semester. Though I won't be doing the same exact projects as him, I will be learning to do different things than he did. Though if things pick up and I get ahead of schedule I may try and do some of the things he did like putting an animal in a glass and other stuff that he might have not gotten a chance to do.
Some things that I intend to do include:

1. Coloring black and white photos:
This can include actual black and white photos or pictures that just don't have color like manga pages.
   A. I might try and color a few of my own drawing or try and draw some stuff in the application itself.

2. Taking a normal picture and make it into something completely different:
This can include taking a picture of the outside and changing it's season or taking a picture of someone and change the background in a way that makes it look as if they were actually there.

3. Creating my own picture:
I want to maybe take something completely from scratch and then make a photo out of it in some way that makes it look like an actual photograph.

For all of these projects I want the things I make to look real and not as of they were "photoshopped". I want to make these different things and maybe other projects appear real.

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