Tuesday, September 30, 2014

20% Time Proposal

My twenty percent project is to achieve the goal of dunking a basketball on a ten foot rim. This has been a goal of mine since I was a young boy with a Fischer-Price hoop and a mini Scooby-Doo ball.

My final goal is to dunk whenever I feel like it.

I would need to research ways to improve jumping height and explosiveness.

The only thing I need to know about my goal is how fast that I can achieve it and how to speed up the process.

The easy part of the project is finding a time and place to workout and to test my abilities because the school has so many different fitness centers.

The hard part is going to be pushing my limits to gain the inches to actually get a ball over and into the basketball.

This will be 100% outside of the class. Discuss with my partner our plans for the week and how we can get better.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Jon's Proposal

          For my 20% Time project, I will be improving my free kicks in soccer. My final goal will be to do a knuckle ball at will. For me to be successful with this goal I must practice taking free kicks atleast 4 times a week. In addition, finding a place to be able to practice should be easy because after school not many people use the soccer fields at my local highschool. It will also be easy to practice 4 times a week because I already have soccer  practice for my team everyday after school. Being able to perform a knuckle ball at will is going to be difficult for this project. Also, being able to actually score while performing this skill will be difficult for me during this project because I have to apply the skill, power and accuracy to be able to score. Most of this project will be done outside of class because I will have to be practicing with a goal, goalie, and a ball to practice this. During our class time given I will be educating myself with different tutorials on how to perform the kick and what ways are the best to practice this skill.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Joshua's Proposal

20% Time Proposal
                For the year’s first 20% Time project, I will be developing my creative writing skills by writing several short stories (and maybe a short novel). My final goal will be to create several short stories to be presented in their entirety or a longer story, of which an excerpt will be presented.
To complete this project, I will need to expand my vocabulary and develop creative, original ideas for stories and, more importantly, settings in which the stories shall exist (in the words of video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki, “The greatest tool for a narrative is the world you create for it to exist in. A well designed world could tell its story in silence.”).
The easiest part of this project will be finding time to work on the writing. I can easily write both at home and at class. However, it will be difficult to create original, creative ideas for my stories; I am very critical of my own writing and have qualms about being unoriginal, so developing worlds in which my stories shall exist, as well as the stories themselves, may be somewhat of a challenge.

The work for this project shall be split evenly between time spent at home and time spent in class, as it is just as easy to work in school as it is to work in my own abode. In class, I can both write and ask my fellow classmates for any advice and opinions they could give me on my writing. If outside, I can bring a notebook or my own laptop and either brainstorm ideas for a story or work on what may become a final product.

AnneMarie's Proposal

For my 20% project, I will learn different sewing techniques and apply them to my own designs. By midterms, I plan on having at least two outfits created. I would first need to master several basic sewing techniques, which I can learn from YouTube. I might need some additional help. In this case, I will ask my dad to assist me. Although the majority of this project will be done at home, I can use class time to design, research sewing techniques, and plan out my goals for later that night or that weekend. At home, I can practice these important techniques and begin creating my designs. There is not a specific audience in mind for this project; it is for my own betterment. However, anyone will be able to see my work when I wear the finished products. I will need to buy thread and fabric, but I already own a sewing machine. It should be relatively easy for me to cover these expenses. Even if I can’t buy new fabric, I can get some from a thrift store. By the end of October, I plan to have learned enough sewing techniques to begin making my designs. I will work on them until midterms, by which time I hope to have completed at least two full outfits. I’m very excited about beginning this project, as it is something I have been meaning to pursue for a while.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

20 Percent Time Proposal

My final project proposal would be to create my mother's apple and caramel "pie" after mastering multiple other baking recipes to hone my baking skills. To do this, I would need to first learn the basics to baking. Since I have an adequate background with cooking, I would not have too much trouble with learning the basics of baking and also I would have my mother to assist me since she is also a very adept baker herself. After accomplishing this, I would then increase the difficulty of each different recipe I learn. I would create and learn to make pastries in this order: cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cake, and then finally, my mother's special "pie". I can apply these skills I will learn in my daily life for when I have my own family to cook for, to make guests some pastries to eat, or just to make baked treats to eat for myself.

Alyssa's Proposal

My project is to learn skills, techniques, and rules of fencing. I have several friends who can help me to learn about fencing and/or give me resources so that I can teach myself. I am doing this project because I know a lot of people who fence and it seems like a very interesting sport. This project is worthwhile because it is good exercise and I think it will be nice to have the knowledge about fencing, and maybe even dabble in the sport myself. I expect to learn skills well enough to understand fencing matches and to analyze techniques used by different fencers. As my final product, I will talk about what I learned, maybe post a video of me trying to fence, and/ or do an analysis of the fencing techniques in the movie, The Princess Bride. My expenses should be minimal, as any type of fencing equipment I should be able to borrow from people. I plan on meeting with my friends on weekends and when they are free to assist me with this project.

Friday, September 26, 2014

My 20% project will be video animation in a specific media. There are many medias in which you can create videos such as digital media, stop motion animation, and others. Some are time consuming such as stop motion animation because you need every piece of the set to be exactly the same frame by frame. Though some are more of a skill set where you need to learn how to use and utilize different programs in order to create animations from computer generated sets opposed to the real life sets of stop motion. For my project I will be trying both Stop Motion and Computer Generated and create a video out of it.
My audience will be the class and I will show my final product however bad or good it may be. Since this will be my first attempt at making videos at all and don't really know how to use the programs and/or make stop motion, it will be a learning experience and will probably not be as good at professionally done pieces, though I will do my best. I will be researching and asking the many people of the video making world on Youtube due to the fact they are willing to help aspiring video makers and put out many videos and such for people looking to start making them. I will work mostly at home it would seem, though if I can find a way to work on it at school I will do it there as well.

20% Time Proposal

My 20 % Time Project Will be to use the Magic of Photoshop to Achieve 5 Overall Effects Including:

  • Alien UFO Hoax picture
  • Switching Faces 
    • Human- Human
    • Human-Orange
    • Human-Machine
  • Restoration of Old Photos 
  • Shattering, Melting of Everyday Objects
  • Create an Original Work of Art Based on the Skills I Acquire in the Process.
Photoshop is an amazing photo editing program, that allows the user to create seemingly impossible situations. I want to be able to use Photoshop to it's full potential, to create images that create a sense of awe and confusion when looking at the final product. In order to achieve each one of the final products, stated above, I will be watching videos and using the web to fully understand what Photoshop can do, and how to achieve the desired effect. Hopefully at the end of the semester I can apply the skills learned here in other classes and potentially as a small pastime. Most of the learning will be done during the class time and the actual product will be made at home using my own laptop. Each of these products will take about 2-4 weeks each as I want to make sure they are done to the best of my abilities. 

Phoebe's Proposal

My 20 Time Project is going to be: to learn about food from different cultures and make paleo recipes to match how our paleolithic predecessors would have eaten in different regions.

My final product will be Youtube videos of our multiculural paleo food (kind of like a vlog). We will post a video (and possibly Instagram photos) every time we make something.

For this, we will need to be able to follow directions from recipes (we will start with recipes from other Paleo blogs). We will learn how to alter recipes to fit Paleo guidelines, and eventually we will come up with our own recipes.

Eating the healthy food I make and taking photos/videos to post on social media will be the easy part of this project.

Learning how to alter recipes to fit Paleo guidelines and still taste good will be the hard part. So will editing the videos.

Most of the project will be done outside of class (the cooking). During class time, we will upload photos, create videos, and research recipes.

Mickey's Proposal

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be to produce a video blog with a series of meals and prepare them and speak about them with their relativity to culture and tradition. I need to research the different types of foods and the proper ways to prepare them. Finding their background and origin will be necessary as well. This project will be easy because i enjoy cooking. Also I am polish so i am familiar with the cuisine and how to actually prepare it. This project will be difficult because some of the foods might be complicated to prepare. Also, if they are cooked the wrong way they can totally ruin the point. Most of this project will be done outside of school because we cant actually prepare the food in school. Research the foods that we’re interested in making and what produce we need to get.

20% Time Proposal

My 20% Time Project is going to be learning to draw realistically. I'm already fairly good at drawing things like cartoons, but I've always wanted to learn to draw realistic things. My final goal will be being able to draw/sketch realistic things, such as portraits, animals, landscapes, etc. Everything I need to know, I’ll be taught by my eldest brother, and possibly his girlfriend (because they’re amazing artists). I'll also be using YouTube as a resource. This project will not cost me anything, considering I already own all the art supplies I'll need. If I do need more, they will be borrowed from my brother. I can't imagine that any part of this project will be easy. What will be most difficult is the fact that I’ll have to spend countless hours learning basics before I can even begin to challenge myself with actual drawing goals. Also, the fact that I’ll have to use my eldest brother (the biggest perfectionist in the world) as a teacher. Most of this project will be done outside of class because I’ll be having drawing lessons 2 or 3 times a week (with my brother). In class, I’ll be drawing and/or watching YouTube videos.
20 Percent Proposal

            My project is to learn how to play the guitar to the best of my abilities between now and the middle of January. I will utilize YouTube videos and other internet sources to aid me with the project, and will ask some of my guitar-playing friends specific questions I have about the instrument. The audience for this project is my classmates, since they will be able to read my blogs and hear me play as I progress throughout the year. This project is worthwhile because it represents me going out of my comfort zone – I am learning something completely new and foreign to me. Also, I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar and this project is my best chance to do so. I expect to learn how to play the guitar from this project, although I most certainly will not be as good as guitarists who have played since they were children. My being happy with the pace I learn the guitar is all that matters. The product I will show at the end of the semester/year will be to play a complex song of substantial length and be proud of the way it sounds. There should not be any expenses involved in my project, as I am not buying anything and am using the internet and friends as guides. The equipment I will need is a guitar and pick, and I will borrow these from a friend. My timeline for completing the project is to begin playing a variety of simple songs, and progress to playing lengthier and complex material until I get to a point where I am completely satisfied with the way I am playing and do not believe I can learn more complex songs in the time I have left. This project will be very exciting for me!

Twenty Percent Project Proposal

               For the Twenty Percent Project, I would like to learn how to play the guitar. I'm going to be working by myself on this project, though throughout the project I will most likely ask various people for assistance on my learning of it. The 'audience' of sorts for my project is not really for anyone but myself; I'm doing this to improve my musical abilities so that I can perform better. This project is worthwhile because it is teaching me a new skill and instrument that will assist me in future performances. The product I will have to show is my new ability to play (hopefully) a variety of songs without needing to pause to figure out where to place my fingers for the next note/chord. No expenses should be required seeing as I already have an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar and an amplifier. The only real equipment I will need are various books instructing me on how to play, which i can easily get online or if necessary from the music center in my town. By midterms I hope to be able to play all the common chords and hopefully a few other non-conventional ones as well. Each week I will learn and spend at least an hour a day working on the chord and playing it in combination with other ones. This is what I hope to accomplish in the duration of this project.

Martha's 20% proposal

Intro to Humanities
22 Sept 2014

My 20% Time Project is going to be to learn how to code tumblr themes.

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be to create 1-2 themes and apply them to sample blogs.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful?
I will need to know the basics of coding and how to do it in order to be successful.
I will also be using websites like Dash to help me with learning the process of coding.

What will be easy about this project?
What will be easy about this project is that I am already familiar with theme codes and some of how they are structured. Also, there are many tutorials available online that detail how to code a tumblr theme and what different things mean.

What will be difficult about this project?
What will be difficult about this project is learning all the codes for specific features that I may want to include in the themes. Also, if I decide to code from scratch, I will have to learn how to structure all the parts of a theme and code the different components.

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
This project can be done during class if I bring my laptop to class. However, most of it will have to be done outside of school.

If outside, what will I do during the class 20% Time?

During class 20% Time, I will working on either tweaking things I’ve worked on at home or outlining how to code a particular section.



       For my project I will be learning how to draw in general. Meaning I will be learning how to draw anything from buildings, environments, or fictional things. The project is something that I could do inside or outside of class. I will most likely be using youtube videos to learn how to draw. The overall cost should be zero dollars. The only reason any money may be involved is if I need to by more paper. Drawing is something I always wanted to get better at and i have tried before but never got good at. From this project I will overall learn how to draw better and the skill will help me when I attempt to get better at drawing architecturally during the second half of the year. The audience would just be myself. I expect that it will take me a good amount of work and time because i have no past experience at learning to draw. Hopefully by midterms i will be capable of drawing a specific drawing i have in mind for then that will display what skills i have learned and i what i need to improve for the second half of the year. To present the project I will show some of the drawings throughout the project in order from when I started to then.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

proposal 💍

For my project I would like to get fit and healthy. This will be an independent project. I think this project worthwhile because with the given time and effort it is realistically achievable. During the process, in class I will begin during research on all the facts on health and learn new workout routines. I think at the end of the year I will maybe have a chart of my improvements or the timeline of my body fat percentage. To do my research I will need a cellphone/computer/laptop which can be done in class and outside of class I will need a whole bunch of equipment to work out. Hopefully by the end of the year I will at least have abs.

twenty percent time proposal

My twenty percent time project is to learn five soccer tricks during the course of this. I will be working on this independently. My audience will be the class. This project will be worthwhile because in the long run I will be able to amaze my friends, teammates, and coaches with these tricks, along w improving my technique & skills during the process. I expect to learn how to stay dedicated to something and how to control my frustration. At the end of the year I will have video clips to present to the class. The only thing I will need is a soccer ball, which I already have. My timeline will be that during class time I will watch videos on how to improve these tricks and the most effective way to learn them. Outside of school is where I will do the most physical activity with learning these tricks. I plan to learn at least a trick every month, but continue to master them while I learn new ones.

20% proposal

For my 20 percent project I will be learning how to increase my vertical leap. The final product I want to achieve after increasing my vertical leap is to perform a dunk on a ten feet basketball hoop. To be successful with this project I need to know all of the muscle groups associated with enhancing the vertical jump. Not only the muscle, but I will also need to conduct research on the muscle groups, and watch videos of people who have increased their vertical jumps. I insist on watching the videos to give myself a basis to start from and hope to emulate what they did, and have the same amount of success that they had as well. I feel that the easiest part of the project will be finding spots or areas to practice in order to achieve my goal. The difficult part of the project in my opinion is the execution. I say this because to achieve a higher vertical leap weight training is required and at times it can be very intensive at times. All of this project will be done outside of the classroom. I will spending the time in class researching and finding ways to improve my results.

My 20% Time Proposal

     The project I will be working on is a model of sorts. It can be labeled as a sculpture too. It will be of wood, high density foam, possibly Styrofoam as well, plastic canvas, and fake airbrushed fur. Only for electronic components will my father be helping me. I picked a model of a wolf for conservation education about endangered species. The model is dedicated to creating a realistic wolf and educating audiences about its behaviors and social life. Although this project is somewhat costly, I believe it is worthwhile because the end product and lessons I learn during its creation will serve for my possible future in engineering. I expect to learn several things from this experience. Not only am I brushing up on both animal knowledge and public speaking skills, I will be learning how to airbrush as well as obtain a level of programming knowledge for electronic devices.
     If all goes well, I'll have a wolf that can bark, growl, howl, and can move some parts. His eyes will light up, parts will move, and audio will sound off based on his "moods". The expenses involved in the project are covered mostly by the fact I have a lot of materials already. I have fur, foam, and clay. My father knows where to find cheaper electronic parts since he himself is a computer/electronic engineer. The rest will be paid for by yours truly and her savings. JoAnn Fabric and Craft stores have foam and fur on discount for students. A nearby A.C.Moore has paint and resin for the eyes, jaw set, and airbrushing. A nearby Home-Depot is where I can get wood, or any materials regarding electronics. My timeline is based on the model's structure:
1. Map out Measurements
2. Build wooden skeleton
3. Secure the hinges on the skeleton
4. Start on the skull
5. Work on the jaw hinge without electronics
6. Attach head on skeleton and build tail
7. Start on moving pieces
-Jaw mechanism
-Flicking ears
-Tail mechanism
8. Foam body and head
9. Fur body, head, and tail
10. Airbrush
11. Program LEDs
13. Find audio and program speakers
14. Make resin eyes
15. Make jawset (attach 12 and 13 to wolf)

20 Percent Time Proposal

My 20 Time Project is going to be
Learning German.

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be
To write a short story in German.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful?
How to properly speak German. (pronunciation, etc.)

What will be easy about this project?
Learning the basics of the language.

What will be difficult about this project?
Learning the more in depth concepts of the language.

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?

If outside, what will I do during the class 20 Time?
Research the background of the German language.

20% Proposal

    For my 20% project, I will be trying to learn how to code and how to interpret the coding language and commands. My final goal is to construct a website, whether it be in C++, JavaScript, or HTML. I know almost nothing about coding so I feel this will be very fun and overall helpful. Coding is something that is essential in job fields like software engineering and such.

To be successful with my project, I would need to go to various websites to take lessons on coding, whether it be YouTube or code.org. Coding is a very complex thing, so I plan to learn basic or intermediate coding, as my time is limited. All I will need to learn coding would be a computer and internet connection. I will need to know where to learn coding lessons and which websites are better than others.

The things of the project that are easy is the fact that I need very little resources to learn coding, because online lessons are very simple to take. Also, I can learn at my own pace and it will be almost like speaking a language, except it will be on the computer.

The hard part about this project is that coding can be a very complicated and complex language and it requires a lot of patience to learn and master. My project can be done in class and outside of class, but it will probably be mostly outside of class.

20% Project Proposal

         For this 20% Time Project, I will be learning how to communicate through sign language. I will work alone, yet by the completion of the project I can use this acquired skill to communicate with other ASL (american sign language) speakers, especially those who can only communicate using sign language.

         This project is beneficial to me because I will be able to communicate with a wider spectrum of people, which broadens my chances of job opportunities in the future. By midterms, I expect to learn over 100 of the most common signs, some of which pertain to family, places, time, etc. I will also refresh my knowledge on the alphabet and numbers. Finally, I will be able to form sentences using my new-found knowledge and use it to have conversations with other people who know sign language.

         One of the best parts of the project is that completing it requires no cost. I will use reliable sources, such as the official American Sign Language website, and videos found online. Because my method of learning is mostly on the internet, I can complete it inside and outside of school. However, if I do need help, I have a close friend whose father is deaf. He is my inspiration for learning sign language, as I would like the opportunity to communicate with him. My mother also knows a bit of sign language, so I have a suffice amount of people to help me should I ever need assistance.

       I plan on learning a different topic every week to keep a loose schedule. For instance, one week I will work on mastering signs for family while the next I will focus on places. I will use class time to not only learn new signs, but to practice as well. Overall, I believe that this project is not only beneficial for my future, it will be interesting and entertaining to complete as well.  

Twenty Percent Time Proposal

September 25, 2014

My 20 Time Project is going to be learning basic sign language. My final goal is to be able to communicate with those who can only communicate through this unique language. In order to be successful, I must know the following about my topic: the alphabet and basic phrases such as, “Good Morning” and “Good Afternoon”. What I believe will be easy about this project is finding reliable resources to learn from. As for the actual process of learning, I do not believe that it will be too difficult if I am learning from videos, however, if at some point I find myself having to learn through visual aids, then I might find it to be a bit challenging. The difficult part about this project will be creating sentences from the different words that I will be learning. For example, if I learn how to say “ball” or “candy” in sign language, how will I be able to make a sentence out of these two words? Even though it will be a struggle, I trust that I will be able to overcome this obstacle and achieve my final goal. Being that I am going to rely heavily on the internet to find my resources for this project, this project can easily be done both in class and outside of class. While in class, I can either look at more sign language tutorials and practice them or I can simply practice them in class from memory. Because I will be learning the majority of sign language from videos found online, I will not need to pay for anything throughout the course of this great learning experience. By the end of this project, I hope to achieve my goal and show the class, who will be my audience, how far I have come from knowing not a thing about sign language to actually knowing how to communicate with those who are deaf-mutes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

20% Time Proposal


          For my twenty percent project, I'll be learning contact juggling. As for help, I'll only have myself and the internet. There are plenty of sites, forums, and videos on contact juggling that I could use. My audience would be the class and really anyone who wishes to watch. While it doesn't really have a practical use, I think the sheer ability to perform this skilll is worth it. There's also the imprioved manual dexterity and brain excercise. I plan to spend the majority of my time at home, and in class (if possible), working on my muscle memory. As of now, I'm aiming to learn only three basic moves but if I learn them before the presentatiopn date, and still have time, I'll pick up some more tricks. I could do an actual performance or show a video (depending on how frequently I make mistakes at that point). The only equipment I'll need is a ball. I'm planning on ordering one online for $20.
20% Time Proposal

My 20 Time Project is going to be learning how to read and write in Kannada. My final product/goal/accomplishment will be writing the alphabet and words.

I order to be successful with my project, I would need to learn the Kannada alphabet.

The easiest part of this project is that, my own family members could teach me how to read and write in Kannada, so I would not need any outside help.

The difficult part of this project is actually learning how to read and write in a complex alphabet that is very different than English.

Most of this project will be done outside of class, because my family members have to correct me if I am writing something wrong.

When I am in class, I would practice whatever I was taught that week to make sure I have perfected it.

20% Proposal- Sailesh Prasad

My 20% Project Proposal is to successfully film and edit and create a movie. The movie will most likely be filmed outside of school but may present some inside too. I will direct the movie myself with my camera as well as my own props and unique filming locations. The actors present will probably be my friends outside of UCVTS but may need some friends within. I will use my editing software that I had already purchased years ago. Projected costs will be very cheap. All I would need to purchase would be small props which I would think would cost no more than 50 dollars.

I always enjoyed making films whether in school or outside of school. When I go camping for boy scouts, I enjoy making slideshows showing what happened.

From this project I hope to learn skills in directing, editing, and using camera skills. I believe this will be an enjoyable learning experience.

To present the project to the class, I will play the movie. To show the skills I learned, I will show unedited film clips which will demonstrate the improvements I made.

Sailesh Prasad

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Twenty Percent Time Project Proposal


My twenty percent time project is to learn the violin. However, in several months, it's impossible to become as skilled as someone who has been playing for years. Because of this limited time and daunting task, I will narrow down my goals into something more reasonable.  Although my piano playing skills will be an aid to reading the melody of the treble clef, the violin is a totally different instrument. Unlike the piano, the violin matches a note to its sound by finger placement on certain strings, rather than by distinct keys. With that, my first goal is to learn the basic notes of the violin and develop muscle memory when I view the notes, i.e. produce an almost immediate response of finger/bow placement when a certain note is placed before me. My second task is to learn a song. “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” may not be the most impressive piece of music, but it seems to be the introductory song when learning a new instrument; that will be my starting point. By the end of this project, I will hopefully be able to produce some scales and a beginner’s song to perform to the class, which will be the audience. Of course, with my practicing at home, my parents will also become the audience of a beginner’s violin screeches, wrongfully-played notes, and a mis-angled bow. The violin and bow itself was generously donated to me by one of my friends in college, who, having moved to California, has fortunately left such musical instrument in New Jersey.  For the next few months, I will dedicate time each week to using the Suzuki Violin I book to help me in my endeavors. Just as I do with piano, I will try to practice almost daily. When completing one book, I shall begin with the next book in the series, so on and so forth. With this growing experience with the violin in the next months, I hope to expand my musical talent and am really excited to do so!

My Twenty Percent Time Proposal


 My twenty percent time project is going to be to learn the dynamics and strategies of drawing. My final goal will be to be able to draw a proportionally detailed  landscape drawing. Throughout my learning process I want to keep a sketch book with my beginning drawings to the last drawings of when I reach my final goal. In order to be successful I will need to research on drawing techniques, how to shade and what type of writing utensils are best to use. 

This project will be easy because I have my older sister who is already a skilled drawer, who can give me tips and advice. Also drawing to me is such a beautiful art and I've been interested in learning for a long time now. 

I feel the most difficult part of this project will be finding time to practice and learning the techniques. I have the imagination and dedication but as a senior, school work and my job are already time consuming.

My project can be worked on inside and outside of class. I will focus on researching drawing styles and applying them during class but I can also do this anywhere when I have the time. 

20 Percent Time Proposal

My twenty percent project is to achieve the goal of dunking a basketball on a ten foot rim. This has been a goal of mine since I was a young boy with a Fischer-Price hoop and a mini Scooby-Doo ball.

My final goal is to dunk whenever I feel like it.

I would need to research ways to improve jumping height and explosiveness.

The only thing I need to know about my goal is how fast that I can achieve it and how to speed up the process.

The easy part of the project is finding a time and place to workout and to test my abilities because the school has so many different fitness centers.

The hard part is going to be pushing my limits to gain the inches to actually get a ball over and into the basketball.

This will be 100% outside of the class. Discuss with my partner our plans for the week and how we can get better.



    The project that I plan to do is to create a video game filled with a somewhat fantasy world and a story to come with it using the application Game Maker. Although I will be working alone in this project unless otherwise noted, I plan on presenting this project to gamers and non-gamers alike, including the people of this class. This project will be worthwhile because I have dreamed of using my creativity and physically showing it off. Also, I would like to learn a coding language while doing this project. There are more common coding languages than of Game Maker, but it would be my experience in pursuing other languages and the addition that I could make more games with the application. I will show a completed video game by the end of the year. There will be no expenses used since I am using the free but limited version of Game Maker. All I need my laptop with the application to work and the Internet if I need help, so this means I could work in class. Finally, I plan on completing this project near the end of the year before "releasing" it with finishing touches. If not, I plan on getting the basic gameplay that I planned ready by then like most apps do these days.

Twenty Percent Time Proposal


My twenty percent time project is going to be a process of healthy and clean eating. My final goal will be to feel healthier, lose weight, learn how to cook clean and find recipes that eventually change my lifestyle completely. During my process, I want to maintain a health and fitness blog about different tips and recipes to help record my progress. In order to be successful, I will need to know all of my nutrition facts and have a set understanding of what clean eating really is. (I have articles and notes on nutrition and clean eating in class.)

Easy things about this project: I've wanted to do this for quite some time so staying determined won't be a problem, especially since its being graded. It is also something I can't put off and can be organized with.

Hard things about this project: Actually changing what I eat and my lifestyle will be a little difficult but luckily I can base myself on my recipes and research. Also, I will need money to do this but I have jobs that can support this change.

Most of my project will be done outside of class but during class I can prepare all my meal plans and new research that applies to the following week. 
Day 2:
My 20 Time Project is going to be learning how to cook
My final product/goal/accomplishment will be cooking at least 10 entrees.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful? (Now research these items and staple them to this handout.)
 - new ingredients 
-different cultural food

What will be easy about this project?
 -reading recipes and experimenting
-food tastes and smells good, so I'll be motivated

What will be difficult about this project?
 -not burning food 
- making the food taste good

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
 Most of this project will be done outside of class

If outside, what will I do during the class 20 Time?
Find new recipes and look at pictures/videos

20% Time Proposal

My 20% time project is to spend a few hours every week realistically

drawing a portrait, and then painting it while I am documenting the process. I am 

working on this project alone. The audience of this project is the class, when I present it. 

This project is worthwhile because I think it will really improve my drawing skills. I am 

good at observational drawing but I know I can become better. By spending a few hours 

on it every week, I will really get to perfect it. I expect to become a better artist while 

doing this project and learn to put a lot of effort into everything I do. When this project is 

due, I will have a painting and sped up or stop motion video of the art developing over 

time. I will probably spend a little money on buying paint and a canvas for this project. I 

can afford this with money I have saved up. If I ever have trouble with technique, I can 

use the internet for sources, which is free. The only equipment I will need is sketching 

pencils, paint and maybe some other art supplies. I can most likely get everything from a 

near by art store such as Michaels. I hope to complete my project by or before when it is

20% Project Proposal


My 20 Time Project is going to be learning how to knit, starting from simple projects and going on to harder projects. I decided on this because I think it's a beneficial skill to have. You can always knit something as a present, as an essential item, or just for fun. My final accomplishment will be to be able to knit a large piece of clothing like a sweater or something that's challenging for me. For this, I will need to know how to knit first of all, and the different techniques I would need to learn to become better. I could learn by watching videos and asking people who know how to knit already for help. By the end of October/beginning of November I will want to know how to knit socks and mittens maybe. I'll want to be move past knitting scarves, headbands and simple things. By the end of December/beginning of November I will have hopefully reached my goal of knowing how to knit a sweater.

The easiest part of this project will probably be coming up with ideas of what to knit, because there are so many different possibilities of what can be created. However, the most difficult part of this project will be learning how to knit. I already know this will be the hardest part because I have actually tried to learn how to knit, but I didn't have much motivation to continue since I kept failing. This time I'm determined to not give up even when I feel like I'll never be able to successfully make something. My work for this project will be well balanced out between class and home since I will be able to knit in both places without much of a struggle. During 20% time in class I will be continuing what I was doing at home, for example learning something new, or continuing a project.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

20% Brainstorm

For next class, consider these questions to help your brainstorm ideas for our "Bad Idea Factory."

You should bring written answers and a plan of attack to these questions.

20% Brainstorm