Friday, September 26, 2014

Martha's 20% proposal

Intro to Humanities
22 Sept 2014

My 20% Time Project is going to be to learn how to code tumblr themes.

My final product/goal/accomplishment will be to create 1-2 themes and apply them to sample blogs.

What do I need to know about my topic to be successful?
I will need to know the basics of coding and how to do it in order to be successful.
I will also be using websites like Dash to help me with learning the process of coding.

What will be easy about this project?
What will be easy about this project is that I am already familiar with theme codes and some of how they are structured. Also, there are many tutorials available online that detail how to code a tumblr theme and what different things mean.

What will be difficult about this project?
What will be difficult about this project is learning all the codes for specific features that I may want to include in the themes. Also, if I decide to code from scratch, I will have to learn how to structure all the parts of a theme and code the different components.

Will most of this project be in class or outside of class?
This project can be done during class if I bring my laptop to class. However, most of it will have to be done outside of school.

If outside, what will I do during the class 20% Time?

During class 20% Time, I will working on either tweaking things I’ve worked on at home or outlining how to code a particular section.

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