Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Twenty Percent Time Proposal


 My twenty percent time project is going to be to learn the dynamics and strategies of drawing. My final goal will be to be able to draw a proportionally detailed  landscape drawing. Throughout my learning process I want to keep a sketch book with my beginning drawings to the last drawings of when I reach my final goal. In order to be successful I will need to research on drawing techniques, how to shade and what type of writing utensils are best to use. 

This project will be easy because I have my older sister who is already a skilled drawer, who can give me tips and advice. Also drawing to me is such a beautiful art and I've been interested in learning for a long time now. 

I feel the most difficult part of this project will be finding time to practice and learning the techniques. I have the imagination and dedication but as a senior, school work and my job are already time consuming.

My project can be worked on inside and outside of class. I will focus on researching drawing styles and applying them during class but I can also do this anywhere when I have the time. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you can use class time to try this. I think that's one major reason I like having 20%Time / Genius Hour IN school - because many students don't have the time outside of school. Use your time in class wisely, and I hope you learn a TON - about drawing and about your own skills!
