Friday, September 26, 2014

Phoebe's Proposal

My 20 Time Project is going to be: to learn about food from different cultures and make paleo recipes to match how our paleolithic predecessors would have eaten in different regions.

My final product will be Youtube videos of our multiculural paleo food (kind of like a vlog). We will post a video (and possibly Instagram photos) every time we make something.

For this, we will need to be able to follow directions from recipes (we will start with recipes from other Paleo blogs). We will learn how to alter recipes to fit Paleo guidelines, and eventually we will come up with our own recipes.

Eating the healthy food I make and taking photos/videos to post on social media will be the easy part of this project.

Learning how to alter recipes to fit Paleo guidelines and still taste good will be the hard part. So will editing the videos.

Most of the project will be done outside of class (the cooking). During class time, we will upload photos, create videos, and research recipes.

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