Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reflection 10

This week I definitely struggled with deciding what to do for my big final end of the year drawing. I'm on the fence of either drawing a portrait or landscape. I also was thinking about a photograph I have of me and my siblings that I always loved but it's looking really challenging. My sketch book is looking really lonely, I haven't picked it up for a few days and I'm feeling like I'm slacking off on drawing. This is worrying me because I haven't gotten all the techniques I wanted up to par in order to actually consider a portrait drawing. I've been talking to my older sister who's been giving me tips about my drawing and she's been a huge help for me. By the end of next week I should have my decision about what I'll draw for the final project I'll present in January. After I figure it out I'm going to focus on the main techniques and pencils I'll need in order make this drawing the best one yet.

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